
štrudel, new CD release of noism program

štrudel, new CD release of noism program

| ● štrudel, new CD release of noism program |


dieb13 & Marina Džukljev

The new CD edition of the NOISM program was the result of the creative process of the two artists through the exchange of materials on the Internet.
The result is a joint improvisation combined in a composition of štrudel (strudel, whirlpool) lasting 42:50 minutes.

štrudel, novo CD izdanje noism programa

štrudel, novo CD izdanje noism programa

| ● štrudel, novo CD izdanje noism programa |


dieb13 & Marina Džukljev

Novo CD izdanje NOISM programa, proizašlo je kao rezultat stvaralačkog procesa dvoje umetnika kroz razmenu materijala internetom na kojem su muzičari međusobno intervenisali.
Rezultat je zajednička improvizacija objedinjena u kompoziciji štrudel (štrudla, vir, kovitlac) u trajanju od 42:50 minuta.

LOST & FoUND music edition and label, CD Ritual Nova 1982-1986

LOST & FoUND music edition and label, CD Ritual Nova 1982-1986

| ● LOST & FoUND music edition and label, CD Ritual Nova 1982-1986 |

The first CD release in the LOST & FoUND edition

Ritual Nova 1982-1986 + booklet of the first edition with texts by Nemanja Sovtić and two author's reviews of musicians Stevan Kovač Tikmajer and Boris Kovač, founder of the ensemble Ritual Nova.

ISBN 978-86-88567-29-9
COBISS.SR-ID 28920329 production


LOST & FoUND muzička edicija, CD Ritual Nova 1982-1986

LOST & FoUND muzička edicija, CD Ritual Nova 1982-1986

| ● LOST & FoUND muzička edicija, CD Ritual Nova 1982-1986 | objavljuje prvo CD izdanje u ediciji LOST & FoUND / Izgubljeno - Nađeno

Ritual Nova 1982-1986 + booklet prvog izdanja sa tekstovima Nemanje Sovtića i dva autorska osvrta muzičara Stevana Kovača Tikmajera i Borisa Kovača osnivača ansambla Ritual Nova.

ISBN 978-86-88567-29-9
COBISS.SR-ID 28920329
produkcija najavljuje: mutacija motiva, MSU / Muzički Bijennale Zagreb najavljuje: mutacija motiva, MSU / Muzički Bijennale Zagreb

| ● najavljuje: mutacija motiva, MSU / Muzički Bijennale Zagreb |

Rezidencija u MSU Zagreb

Nastup na ovogodišnjem Muzičkom Bijenalu Zagreb

Drugi festivalski blok - Continuum Nr. 2 - Shifting

MSU, južni plato, subota 29. maj 2021. u 20 časova

'mutacija motiva'


Lecture and Audio Performance by sound artist Novi_sad from Athens, 26th of February, Youth Center CK13, Novi Sad

Lecture and Audio Performance by sound artist Novi_sad from Athens, 26th of February, Youth Center CK13, Novi Sad

| ● Lecture and Audio Performance by sound artist Novi_sad from Athens, 26th of February, Youth Center CK13, Novi Sad |

Youth Center CK13, Novi Sad
Vojvode Bojovića 13,

Thursday, 26.02.2009.
Presentation and performance of audio artist Novi_sad, Athens

19:00, Lecture
22:00, Audio performance

Promotion of the book PUBLIC NETBASE: NON STOP FUTURE, New practices in Art and Media, 17 i 18.12. in Novi Sad and Belgrade

Promotion of the book PUBLIC NETBASE: NON STOP FUTURE, New practices in Art and Media, 17 i 18.12. in Novi Sad and Belgrade

| ● Promotion of the book PUBLIC NETBASE: NON STOP FUTURE, New practices in Art and Media, 17 i 18.12. in Novi Sad and Belgrade |

New Media invites you to the promotion of the book:

New practices in Art and Media

Youth Center CK13, Novi Sad
Wednesday, 17th of December, in 19:00

Dom Omladine Belgrade
Thursday, 18th of December, in 21:00

Opening Our Closed Shops - residency program

Opening Our Closed Shops - residency program

| ● Opening Our Closed Shops - residency program |

AIR Project "Opening Our Closed Shops"

Since 2008 the program has been extended with the two–year project "Opening Our Closed Shops", supported by the Allianz Cultural Foundation. Its main aim is to counteract the imbalance of artistic exchange between Eastern and Western European countries. Through intensive interdisciplinary cooperation between the Akademie Schloss Solitude with its five partner institutions in Warsaw, Budapest, Bucharest, Sofia, and Novi Sad.

OLD NEWS 4 -- a non-profit free newspaper presenting a selection of articles and images cut from newspapers by artists

OLD NEWS 4 -- a non-profit free newspaper presenting a selection of articles and images cut from newspapers by artists

| ● OLD NEWS 4 -- a non-profit free newspaper presenting a selection of articles and images cut from newspapers by artists |
  • kuda.
  • kuda.

Old News is a non-profit free newspaper presenting a selection of articles and images cut from newspapers by artists. In the Old News concept, the artists were to select and cut out articles they found interesting with their comments.

Contributors of DICTIONARY OF WAR edition in Novi Sad

Contributors of DICTIONARY OF WAR edition in Novi Sad

| ● Contributors of DICTIONARY OF WAR edition in Novi Sad |

Verica Barać

STUDIO M, Radio Novi Sad, venue of DICTIONARY OF WAR

STUDIO M, Radio Novi Sad, venue of DICTIONARY OF WAR

| ● STUDIO M, Radio Novi Sad, venue of DICTIONARY OF WAR |
  • kuda.
  • kuda.

The fifth edition of the DICTIONARY OF WAR will take place in Studio M in Novi Sad. Studio M is a concert and performance hall of the Radio Novi Sad, public radio service of the province of Vojvodina. It is one of the most significant concerts and conference halls in the city of Novi Sad. Studio M is located in the very center of the city, on the location which is 5 minutes walk distance from the city's main square. Relation of Studio M to the Radio Novi Sad will ensure professional sound recording of all concepts delivered during the event and partial real-time broadcasting.

Formats of the DICTIONARY OF WAR

Formats of the DICTIONARY OF WAR

| ● Formats of the DICTIONARY OF WAR |

DICTIONARY OF WAR consists of astringent concept on three levels:

1. Presentation

Youth Center CK13 In Novi Sad

Youth Center CK13 In Novi Sad

| ● Youth Center CK13 In Novi Sad |

Youth Center CK13” is an independent and educative project dedicated to the stimulation and development of social engagement and political activism of young people above all, which implies a high degree of self-organizing and self-sustainability of youth activities and their independent political actions.

Aesthetic Education Expanded (2015-2017)

Aesthetic Education Expanded (2015-2017)

| ● Aesthetic Education Expanded (2015-2017) |

Aesthetic Education Expanded is a continuation of the collaboration between four prominent organizations working in the field of contemporary art, theory and reflection, and social action: Multimedijalni Institut (HR), Berliner Gazette (DE), (RS) and Kontrapunkt (MK), that started from revisiting the Enlightenment idea of 'aesthetic edu

Audio CD published by Conspiracies - Chris Cutler

Audio CD published by Conspiracies - Chris Cutler

| ● Audio CD published by Conspiracies - Chris Cutler |

Audio CD published by Conspiracies - Chris Cutler books launches in Berlin on April27th 2017 at 20h, in the framework of the Aesthetic Education Expanded project books launches in Berlin on April27th 2017 at 20h, in the framework of the Aesthetic Education Expanded project

| ● books launches in Berlin on April27th 2017 at 20h, in the framework of the Aesthetic Education Expanded project | books launch in Berlin on April 27th 2017 at 20h, in the framework of the Aesthetic Education Expanded project 

Look at Hazards, Look at Losses and Anti-Wall
Two books are being launched with talks by the contributors, Anthony Iles (Mute), Zoran Pantelić ( and Howard Slater
Brought to you by Mute and

Place: Anagram Book, 35 Lausitzer Str, Berlin

Time: April 27th, 2017 at 20h

Indefatigable Residencies: Chris Cutler, 11-16. March, and CK13

Indefatigable Residencies: Chris Cutler, 11-16. March, and CK13

| ● Indefatigable Residencies: Chris Cutler, 11-16. March, and CK13 |

Indefatigable Residencies is an intervention in the context of the international project "Aesthetic Education Expanded" as a format of an artistic residence. The intention is to create a space for collaborative artistic process, cultural and theoretical production, facilitate the exchange of active knowledge, followed by the creation of new productions.

Video de la conférence de Sylvain Lazarus, Belgrade 22.10.2014.

Video de la conférence de Sylvain Lazarus, Belgrade 22.10.2014.

| ● Video de la conférence de Sylvain Lazarus, Belgrade 22.10.2014. |

22. Octobre 2014, dans les prémisses du groupe: Le maître ignorant et ses comités, Belgrade

La conférence a eu lieu à l'occasion de la traduction du français à la langue serbo-croate, et la publication du livre „Anthropologie du Nom“, qu'il est publié par et le Groupe pour la politique conceptuelle de Novi Sad, Serbia.

Conférencier: Sylvain Lazarus, auteur de „Anthropologie du Nom“

Lecture by Sylvain Lazarus: Anthropologie du nom, in Novi Sad, organized by and the Group for Conceptual Politics

Lecture by Sylvain Lazarus: Anthropologie du nom, in Novi Sad, organized by and the Group for Conceptual Politics

| ● Lecture by Sylvain Lazarus: Anthropologie du nom, in Novi Sad, organized by and the Group for Conceptual Politics |

Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014, 18:00
Venue: premises of the group Ignorant Schoolmaster and His Committees
street Resavska no. 21, apartment no. 5, Belgrade

The lecture is taking place on the occasion of translation and publishing of the book Anthropologie du nom (from French to the Serbo-Croatian language), in the edition of New Media and Group for Conceptual Politics from Novi Sad.

Media against Democracy? - The Commercialization of Internet and the Crisis of Media

Media against Democracy? - The Commercialization of Internet and the Crisis of Media

| ● Media against Democracy? - The Commercialization of Internet and the Crisis of Media |

Multimedia Institute, Kurziv and Kulturtreger are organizing the conference:
Media against Democracy?
The Commercialization of the Internet and the Crisis of Media

24/04 - 26/04/2014 @ Goethe Institut, Vukovarska 64, Zagreb

Faculty of De-programming for Obsolescence! Welcome! - A Conference

Faculty of De-programming for Obsolescence! Welcome! - A Conference

| ● Faculty of De-programming for Obsolescence! Welcome! - A Conference |

Thursday, 27th February, 19-21h Friday, 28th February, 18-20h The Black House/Youth Centre CK13 Novi Sad, Vojvode Bojovića 13 conference organizers and, Novi Sad & Howard Slater, London Thwarted phd, Anty-university, Anty-academy, Proletarian University, Autodidacticism, General intellect, Common notions, Free university, 68, Anty-historicism Group therapy, Orgonic being, Unthinkable-art-ensemble, Can we rework how we conc

Aesthetic Education Expanded - Artistic Experimentation and Political Culture in the Age of Networks

Aesthetic Education Expanded - Artistic Experimentation and Political Culture in the Age of Networks

| ● Aesthetic Education Expanded - Artistic Experimentation and Political Culture in the Age of Networks |

Aesthetic Education Expanded is the project of collaboration of five organizations: Berliner Gazette from Germany, Kontrapunkt from Macedonia, kuda.orgMultimedia Institute from Croatia and Mute magazine from Great Britain, which is supported by the program Culture 2007-2013 of European Commission and the European Cu

THE IDEA OF RADICAL MEDIA Conference, Zagreb - within the project "Aesthetic Education Expanded"

THE IDEA OF RADICAL MEDIA Conference, Zagreb - within the project "Aesthetic Education Expanded"

| ● THE IDEA OF RADICAL MEDIA Conference, Zagreb - within the project "Aesthetic Education Expanded" |

Zagreb, MaMa, June 7-8 Multimedia Institute




FRIDAY, 04. 11 AT 12 AM, THE PLATEAU: PROTEST AND PETITION SIGNING AGAINST VIOLENCE INFLICTED ON STUDENTS, We invite you to come on Friday, November 4th to the Plato in front of the Philosophical Faculty to express our protest against the violence that was inflicted on students participating in the blockade on Thursday, November 3rd, 2011.

Temporary Services in Cultural Center REX, Belgrade

Temporary Services in Cultural Center REX, Belgrade

| ● Temporary Services in Cultural Center REX, Belgrade |

Temporary Services, but Permanent Artistic Practice Cultural Center REX, Jevrejska 16, Belgrade 27th of October 2011, at 7PM, Brett Bloom in Cultural Center REX, Belgrade. Presentation and public talk with the artist, writer and cultural worker Brett Bloom with Jelena Vesić, independent curator and art critic and Vladimir Jerić Vlidi, writer, media researcher and activist from Belgrade.
