NEOPLANTA film: Screenings of Žilnik's films from the period 1966 - 1971.

| ● NEOPLANTA film: Screenings of Žilnik's films from the period 1966 - 1971. |
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The second in a series of screenings of films from the beginning of production


Youth Center CK13, Vojvode Bojovica 13, Novi Sad


Wednesday, June 8, 2011 at 7 p.m.

Black Film (1971), Želimir Žilnik, 14 minutes

Rani Radovi (1969), Želimir Žilnik, 87 minutes

Introductory Speech:

Stevan Vuković, editor of the film program SKC Belgrade

Zoran Pantelić,

participants in the conversation after the screening:

Želimir Žilnik, director

Prvoslav Marić, director of the film “70s Season Workers”

As a continuity in the research of local cultural history and cultural policies (exhibition "The Continuous Art Class" and debate "Omitted History", which were realized in MSUV in 2005, debate "Omitted History, The Case of the production company NEOPLANTA FILM, Novi Sad" realized in March 2011 year), but also as a contribution to the celebration of the Year of Film initiated by the Ministry of Culture of Serbia, together with TERRA film and the protagonists of that time, initiates a series of talks and screenings of films with the idea to analyze the first five years NEOPLANTA FILM, with an undisguised desire to initiate processes of re-examining the role of these cultural practices in today's contemporary cultural production.


More about movies:

Black film (1971) 14 min, 16mm (transfer to 35 mm), black and white, SFRY director: Želimir Žilnik cinematography: Karpo Aćimović Year of editing: Kaća Stefanović sound: Dušan Ninkov production: Neoplanta film, Novi Sad

One night, Zilnik picks up a group of homeless men from the streets of Novi Sad and takes them home. While they enjoy themselves in his home, the filmmaker tries to "solve the problem of the homeless" carrying along a film camera as a witness. He speaks to social workers, ordinary people. He even addresses policemen. They all close their eyes in front of the "problem".


Early Works (1969) 87 min, 35 mm, black and white directed by: Želimir Žilnik screenplay: Želimir Žilnik, Branko Vučićević additional dialogues: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels camera and editing: Karpo Aćimović Cast role: Milja Vujanović, Bogdan Tirnanić, Čedomir Radović, Marko Nikolić, Slobodan Aligrudić production: Avala Film, Belgrade, Neoplanta film, Novi Sad

In an allegoric manner "Early Works" recount a story of young people who took part in student demonstrations in June 1968 in Belgrade. Three young men and a girl, Yugoslava, defy the petit-bourgeois routine of everyday life. Wishing to "change the world", inspired by the writings of young Karl Marx, they go to the country and to factories to "wake up people’s consciousness", to encourage them in their fight for emancipation and life worth living. Being in the field they face primitivism and squalor, but they show their own limits, weaknesses, incapacity, and jealousy. They get arrested. Frustrated because the planned revolution has not been realized, the three young men decide to eliminate Yugoslava, who is the witness of their impotence. They shoot her, cover her with the party flag, burn her body and a dark pillar of smoke going up into the sky is the only thing that remains of the intended revolution.


- The series of film screenings during the month of June will present a selection of short, animated, and feature films of NEOPLANTA FILM from 1966 to 1971, in which all types of work within Neoplanta will be represented - from the approach to the topic, which varied from illustrative, through lyrical-visionary, all the way to the problem, as well as all genres, from animation, through classic documentary film, to documentary and feature film. The aim of this selection is to show the most exemplary examples from large-scale production, examples that were simultaneously awarded by the decisions of international juries, and withdrawn from distribution by the decisions of local self-government bodies if a foreign partner would not rebel. Screenings with expert introductions and conversations with authors, contemporary authors, and film experts in the field of film for certain topics covered there, will aim to lead the audience to a critical reception of heritage that is constantly erased by administrative decisions, changes in cultural paradigms, and ways of acting in culture. and the inertia of cultural actors.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011, at 7 p.m.

Black Film (1971), Želimir Žilnik, 15 minutes

Early Works (1969), Želimir Žilnik, 87 minutes


Wednesday, June 15, 2011, at 7 p.m.

Healthy People For Fun (1971), Karpo Godina, 10 minutes

I Miss Sonia Henie (1972), Karpo Godina, 16 minutes

The Fountain Of Youth (1969), Borislav Šajtinac, 10 minutes


Wednesday, June 22, 2011, at 7 p.m.

W.R.: Mysteries of the Organism (1971), Dušan Makavejev, 84 minutes


The program was edited by the Center for New, in cooperation with Stevan Vukovic - editor of the film program SKC Belgrade, UFTRV - Association of Film and Television Workers of Vojvodina, filmmakers, and NDNV - Independent Association of Journalists of Vojvodina.