Stacion, Prishtina: The Mobile Archive

| ● Stacion, Prishtina: The Mobile Archive |

The Mobile Archive
28/6/2010 – 24/7/2010

Opening: 28/6/2010, 20:00hrs.

Video art works, sound works, films, and documentation of performances and installations by: Romy Achituv, David Adamo, Jan Adriaans, Nelly Agassi, Mor Akadir, Bettina Allamoda, Ido Cohen-Alloro, Einat Amir, Ma'ayan Amir, Yehuda Amichai, Emanuela Amichai, Effi & Amir, Itay Angel, Yuri Ancarani, Boaz Arad, Hadara Levin Aradi, Suha Arraf, Johanna Arnold, Riccardo Arena, Art Fun Club, Oreet Ashery, Nadav Assor, Fikret Atay, Yossi Atia, Nurith Aviv, Macabit Avramson, Yair Avidar, Artists Without Walls, Ariella Azoulay, Yael Bartana, B'Tselem, Johanna Billing, Irina Birger, Guy Ben-Ner, Tamy Ben-Tur, Aya Ben Ron, Haim Ben Shitrit, Yossi Breger, Eitan Buganim, Nurit Bar-Shai, Zohar Behrendt, Jonathan Bar-Giora, Sharona Berger, Yefat Bezalel, Shiri Blumenthal, Liran Bar-Lev, Tal Barli, Zohar Behrendt, Keren Ben-Rafael, Steven Barich, Big Hope (Dominic Hislop & Miklos Erhardt), Johanna Billling, Nine Budde, Arne Bunk, Bogna Burska, Candice Breitz, Stefan Burger, Luca Bolognesi, Rossella Biscotti, Elisabetta Benassi, Mirelle Borra, Michael Blum, Karaduman Bengu, Daniel Bozhkov, Keren Cytter, Cordova Group, Yoav Cohen, Ofri Cnaani, Regev Contes, Ian Cheng, The Chamber Quintet, Marcus Coates, Lenka Clayton, Margit Czenki, Margit Czenki, Witosław Czerwonka, Nemanja Cvijanovic, Aileen Campbell, Anne-Marie Copestake, Luke Collins, Correnti Magnetiche, Rita Casdia, Filipa Cesar, Dana Darvish, Emanuel Danesch, Dror Daum, Kati Dor, Antonin De Bemels, Avi Dabach, Melanie Danielle, Yaron David, Avi Dabach, Yael Davids, Goren Davic, Jason Dee, Katy Dove, Will Duke, Ersa Ersen, Noam Edry, Koken Ergun, Merav Ezer, Nir Evron, Miklos Erhardt, Tim Etchells, Antje Engelmann, Erica Eyres, Hasan Elahi, Ronen Eidelman, Jeanne Faust, Dirk Fleischmann, Jack Faber, Jakup Ferri, Orit Freilich, Alona Friedberg, Matthias Frisch, Ohad Fishof, Fabian Fitussi, Ido Fluk, Emanuel Faychevitch, Avner Feingulernt, Michael Fischer, Sean Fletcher, Fred Frith, Luke Fowler, Graham Fagen, Michael Fliri, Andrew Forster, Jonah Freeman, Brendan Fernandes, Dani Gal, Tarin Gartner, Ayelet Gazit, Amit Goren, Ligna Group, Zen Group, Gil & Moti, Buky Grinberg, Ilan Green, Hagar Goren, Yael Gesser, Rona Geffen, Dana Goldberg, Dana Gilerman, Ariel Glikson, Dana Goren, Yitzhak Gormezano Goren, Tamar Getter, Karen Gellar, Noa Gur, Marina Grzinic, Matze Görig, Meri Gorni, Shilpa Gupta, Adad Hannah, Anne Bjerge Hansen, Ronit Hasson, Henry VII's Wives, Tomer Heymann, Carola Hesse, Sharon Hemo, Amy Hicks, Dee Hibbert-Jones, Vlatka Horvat, Samuel Hopkins, Julian Hoeber, Ana Husman, Florian Huettner, Khaled Hurani, IRWIN (Dusan Mandic, Miran Mohar, Andrej Savski, Roman Uranjek, Borut Vogelnik), Yoav Inbar, Barat Isik, Shosh Israeli, Okariz Itziar, Sanja Ivekovic, Christian Jankowski, Hiwa K., Karska & Went, Jesal Kapadia, Gulsun Karamustafa, Uri Katzenstein, Hadas Keidar, Hadas Kedar, Thomas Klipper, Zohar Kfir, Talia Keinan, Ziv Koren, Yael Kiper-Zaretski, Gil Kahana, Liliana Kadichevski, Michal Klein, Hadas Kidar, Omer Krieger, Ariel Kleiner, Imri Kahn, Miki Kratsman, Sarah Klein, Elyasaf Kowner, Ron Kazir, Eva Konnemann, Nina Konnemann, Nimrod Kamer, Till Krause, Grzegorz Klaman, Leszek Knaflewski, Andree Korpys, Rob Kennedey, Rinat Kotler, Elena Kovylina, Lezli Rubin Kunda,, Lutz Kurger, Yael Katz ben Shalom, Mark Lafier, Runo Lagomarsino, Ellen Lake, Daniel Landau, Sigalit Landau, Elad Larom, Yaron Lapid, TanjaLazetic, Torsten Lauschman, Ifat Layst, Kristina Leko, Joachim Lengerer, Yaron Leshem, Dana Levy, Keren Levi, Orah Lev, Stanislav Lev-Or, Mark Lewis, Hila Lulu Lin, Armin Linke, Heike Liss, Little Warsaw (Andras Galik & Balint Havas), Marcus Löffler, Liran Lupu, Aim Deuelle Luski, Avi Mograbi, Guy Maymon, Ohad Milshtein, Laurent Mareschal, Kleoni Manoussakis, Ohad Maromi, Karin Mendelovich, Ohad Milstein, Yvonne Miklosh, Daniel S. Milo, Begona Munoz, Shanna Maurizi, Ariel Mayrose, Ariel Mioduser, Suleiman Mansour, Karin Mendelovich, Multiplicity, Eva Meyer, David Maljkovic, Dalibor Martinis, Ivan Moudov, Alban Muja, Michaela Melián, Roth Menachem, Marzia Migloria, Domenico Magano, Rä di Martino, Tova Mozard, Carlos Motta, Hila Nabuk, Roi Nachshon, Shelli Nadashi, Noa Nahari, Angel Nevarez, Roiy Nitzan, Hillah Nevo, Tamar Nissim, Miri Nishri, Dorota Nieznalska, Kelly Nipper, Christian Niccoli, Dan Norton, Anneke Nuijen, Yoshua Okon, Ede n Ofrat, Sophie Oldenbourg, Michal A. Omer, Umit Oniel, Limor Orenstein, Sean Olson, Pilar Ortiz, Peter Ott, Sener Ozmen, Adrian Paci, Meena Park, Stefano Pasquini, Stefan Panhans, Sharon Paz, Mateusz Pęk, Jean-Gabriel Périot, Rona Perry, Nira Pereg, Cho Phei, Gabriele Picco, Erich Pick, Irena Pivka, Renata Poljak, Maria Pomiansky, Lisl Ponger, Ariella Plotkin, Tom Pnini, Aner Preminger, James Price, Public Movement, Ariela Plotkin, Franc Purg, Gilad Ratman, Barak Ravitz, Isabel Reichert, Alona Roda, Gilad Ronnen, Itamar Rose, Roee Rosen, Keren Rosenthal, Keren Rosental, Michal Rothschild, Antonio Rovaldi, Timna Rozenheimer, Julika Rudelius, Aida Ruilova, Karen Russo, David Rych, Noa Sadaka, Hagit Sadka, Anri Sala, Sala Manca Group, Keren Mary Salam, Jacqueline Salloum, Sasa, Eran Schaerf, Sandra Schafer, Anja Schrey, Jochen Schmith, John Schults, Eske Schluters, Miri Segal, Yael Seggev, Ruti Sela, Ruti Sela & Students from Haifa University, Dotan Shachter, Asaf Shafir, Efrat Shalem, Dafna Shalom, Lior Shamriz, Nurit Sharett, Noga Shatz, Keren Shavit, Chen Sheinberg, Liat Shechter, Dina Shenhav, David Sherry, Erzen Shkololli, Adi Shniderman, Efrat Shvily, Pola Sieverding, Joshua Simon, Gez Sinai, Ross Sinclair, Ran Slavin, Aina Smid, Gregg Smith, Doron Solomons, Helene Sommer, Josef Sprinzak, Eddo Stern, Tal Stern, Barbara Steiner, Hito Steyerl, Trish Stone, Jeanne Susplugas, Nomi Talisman, Dana Tal, Chen Tamir, Rotem Tashach, Inbar Tavor, Valerie Tevere, Arkadiusz Tomalka, Michael Trigilio, Sarah Tripp, Gal Tushia, Uri Tzaig, Anan Tzukerman, Shai-Li Uziel, Tevere Valerie, Aghasyan Vahram, Eugenia Vanni, Yonatan Vintisky, Lee Yanor, Inas Yassin, Wafaa Yasin, Amir Yatziv, Rona Yefman, The YES MEN, Nevet Yitzhak, Masha Yozefpolsky, Simon Yuill, Beth Warshafsky, Lior Waterman, Gil Weinberg, Dana Wegman, Yael Weksler, Osnat Weiss, Pavel Wohlberg, Meir Wigoder, Garts Wineke, Amnon Winer, Ania Witkowska, Adam Witkowski, Krzysztof Wodiczko, Wojtek Zamiara, Katarina Zdjelar, Inbal Zehavi, Dorota Zgłobicka, Guli Zilberstein, Yoni Zigler, Ilan Ziv, Spranzi Zimmerfrei, Artur Zmijewski, Brane Zorman, Manar Zuabi, Italo Zuffi, Shai Zurim, Sislej Xhafa.

29/6/2010, 20:00 hrs.
Public discussion:
Galit Eilat, founding director of the Israeli Center for Digital Art and its video archive in conversation with Albert Heta, artist and director of Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina.

From June 28 to July 24, 2010, Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina will present the Mobile Archive, an international collection of more than 1000 video artworks assembled by the Israeli Center for Digital Art, Holon.

With to the goal of facilitating research and cultural exchange, much of the archive of The Israeli Center for Digital Art in Holon focuses on issues of identity, nationalism, and militarism. Works in the archive also offer alternative narratives to historical tropes of Israeli society as well as other socio-political issues relevant to the Near East region.

The Mobile Archive includes video artworks, sound works, films, and documentation of performances and installations that were exhibited at the center as well as other works by leading Israeli artists in the field of media art.

The Mobile Archive as a project is based on the Video Archive of the Israeli Center for Digital Art, Holon. The Mobile Archive takes the Israeli Center for Digital Art’s Video Archive on the road. In order to make the Archive dynamic and valuable to local audiences abroad, original project curators, Eyal Danon and Galit Eilat (The Israeli Center for Digital Art), and Eva Birkenstock (Kunstverein, Hamburg) decided to open the Archive to local art contributions to be collected by each host institute.

The Mobile Archive has been traveling the world since its first stop at the Kunstverein in Hamburg in 2007.

In the past few years, the Israeli Center for Digital Art has worked to catalogue and transform its valuable archive into a convenient and dynamic viewing and research library, open to curators, artists, art students, and teachers. Starting in Hamburg, the Mobile Archive has moved to a wide range of art institutions, including the WYSPA, Institute of Art in Gdansk, Poland; Galerija Nova (of WHW) in Zagreb, Croatia; Skuc Gallery in Ljubljana, Slovenia; the Universita luav di Venezia; Careof DOCVA Viafarini, Milan; the Newberry Gallery at the Glasgow School of Art and Art in General, NY.

Mobile Archive is invited Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina to a context and a country with no archival culture or institutions.

Works and documentation of events produced by this scene and this society are lost or made to disappear for the public context. History as a tool for erasure and engineering the past for the present power players is a dominant practice in this country.

Examples from the context of art, politics, and art initiatives: Edi Rama, author of several personal painting exhibitions in Europe, North and South America, and other, today the chairman of the Socialist Party of Albania and Mayor of Tirana since 2000, currently in his 3rd term president of the Albanian Association of Mayors, and has served as Minister of Culture of Albania, gave a public presentation at The Art Center of the Academy of Arts of the University of Prishtina in 2003. The Art Center then was managed by Mehmet Behluli. The documentation of this event and many other events held by other initiatives before 2006, today are not easily found nor made easily
accessible for researchers or other interested individuals.

There is no documentation available on the activities of the first Contemporary Art Center in Kosova, initiated by Visar Mulliqi in 2000. In relation to the present time, among mong others, this center was the organizer of the Video Art Fest and the initial organizer and partner in organizing the young visual artists' award, an international award program for young visual artists organized in ten countries in Central and Southeastern Europe, in Kosova named ‘Artists of Tomorrow Award’.

What happens with the documentation and work of an initiative after the institution stops existing. Is any of the material of these projects sent to an archive or?

This project aims to raise this issue at the public level, and initiate the discussion on existing models of archiving memory, works, and events. In my opinion, the video works of contemporary artists from Kosova produced since 1999 are an important element of the collective production of this society and an important element of the narrative of this society.

The Mobile Archive at Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina consists of three parts:

1. Opening of the entire archive to the public at large: each visitor will be given the opportunity to selected materials s/he wishes to view. The archive will be presented in a video library format, where each visitor will be able to choose freely from hundreds of existing video works, and view the selected pieces under gallery viewing conditions.

2. Presentation of video programs curated by the Israeli Center for Digital Art and Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina and by curators, artists, art students, and others. Some of the programs have already been presented several times; others will make their debut here.

3. Contributions of up to 25 selected works that will be added to the original Archive by the host institution and the guest curators - whose work will be new to the archive - before the archive travels to its next venue. A part of this selection will be added through Open Call5, a working module of Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina.

For us at Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina, hosting The Mobile Archive presents also research in what an archive can be in contemporary society with history always under construction.

The video archive as such is particularly relevant for the work of Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina. Established in 2006 by artist Albert Heta and architect Vala Osmani, Stacion today is a space for artists, architects, thinkers, critics, and other sociopolitical workers committed in reflecting and responding to relevant challenges of the contemporary society
with an active, critical, and emancipatory approach.

This work is being documented by a vast video archive of all conferences, workshops, presentations, and events, a task that is seen as important as the task of exhibiting a selection of works by artists and the implementation of collaborative interventions and events - an investment in fostering the creation of conditions where contemporary thought and practice can happen. The extensive archive is now in front of the process of cataloging and transformation into a user-friendly research material.

Mobile Archive at Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina is sponsored by Swiss Culture Programme, Technomarket, Odyssea Group, and Amelie Espresso Bar, KTV, Rrokum TV and DZG.

Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina
Str. Zija Prishtina n.n.
10000 Prishtine
Republika e Kosoves
[email protected]
