Submitted by admin on Wed, 2021-06-02 12:48

Title | Geoffroy de Lagasnerie: Penser dans un monde mauvais |
Publication Type | Book |
Year of Publication | 2018 |
Authors | de Lagasnerie, G |
Number of Pages | 76 |
Publisher | Multimedijalni institut mi2, Udruga Bijeli Val/Subversive Festival |
City | Zagreb |
ISBN Number | 978-953-7372-44-6 |
ISBN | 978-953-8257-01-8 |
Abstract | What does it mean to write in a society marked by violence, domination, exploitation? How to imagine a thought practice that won't contribute to the renewal of the existing situation, but would, on the contrary, be oppositional? What is the meaning of art, culture, and knowledge - and in particular, under what conditions do they have meaning and value? Since we live in a bad world, every author must necessarily ask himself the question of how to resist him and not agree with the systems of government. |
URL | |
Original Publication | Penser dans un monde mauvais |