| ● Darinka Pop-Mitic |

Darinka Pop-Mitic, an artist from Belgrade, spent her residency in Warsaw in 2009.

Darinka Pop-Mitic lives and works in Belgrade. Attended University of Belgrade Faculty of Political Sciences before going to the Belgrade Art School. Winner of the October salon in 2008 and 2009. Deals with history in fine arts. In 2008 she started the collaborative project Witnesses or On War and Art with artist Nikoleta Markovic. This project aimed at re-actualizing and further investigation of the relations between art and its social context in the last decade of the twentieth century in Serbia. This project served as a basis for further artistic dialogue through separate projects Choose Life 2 by Nikoleta Markovic and Two Exhibitions by Darinka Pop-Mitic which was the result of a residential stay in Warsaw and presented finalization of the earlier project. These two projects were jointly exhibited in the cultural center Dom Omladine in Belgrade.
